Welcome to the world premiere and online release of Hackitat.
From the raid by masked riot police at Malmö's hacker spac, through building Geiger counters in Japan, using mesh networks in Cuba, finding ways to film during occupation in Western Sahara, net culture transforming to political parties in Belgium, hacking public transport in Sweden, we are now finally at the premiere of Hackitat.
Link to the premiere live stream:
Please join the premiere on the 28th of June at 7 PM (UTC/GMT+2 hours).
After the premiere we will be releasing Hackitat free on the net. See the film at https://www.hackitat.com
We will broadcast the live stream from the microcinema Hypnos (https://hypnosmalmo.com/event/hackitat) in Malmö, Sweden. Probably the only open cinema in Sweden, maybe in the world. If some of you want to join the premiere inside the cinema just send us an email at info@hackitat.com. There is a maximum of 50 seats.
As you know we have made this film without any salaries and with little funding for a film showing parts from several continents. If you like the film please help us reach more people.
Spread the trailer, blips and later the film on torrent sites, Signal/Telegram groups, Reddit, Mastodon, to your friends, all the commercial sites, in your community, social center and any other place you can think of. We have made this film together and it would be great if more people can see it.
Trailer: https://www.hackitat.com/trailer/
Blipp 1: https://www.hackitat.com/hackitat-blipp/
Blipp 2: https://www.hackitat.com/hackitat-blipp-2/
Blipp 3: https://www.hackitat.com/blipp-3/
You can also find the film clips on youtube (/hackitatcom) and soon in the federated system.
In solidarity,
Hackitat production group
Länk: https://www.hackitat.com