
Together through the pandemic, towards liberation! -A discussion on experiences, trauma and struggle

När: 2021-02-02 19:00
Var: Online, Online

Together through the pandemic, towards liberation!

-A discussion on experiences, trauma and struggle

We want to, in the begging of the summer, organize the physical bookfair in real life, but before that join us for an online discussion together with Cindy Milstein* and pattrice jones*.

A year of isolation, death, authoritarian measures, struggles and trauma has passed. With the cancelation of many events, including 2020s Malmös anarchist bookfair, the need to meet, discuss and exchange ideas has for us never been more pressing. With this online event we hope to create a platform for discussing the processes, obstacles, challenges and new experiences in the face of 2020. Mourning and grief has for many of us became a necessary topic to discuss and try to understand.

At this event we will discuss and exchange ideas and experiences such as; How can we, in a time of pandemics, organize? Have we found new forms for organizing? How can we deal with death and pain? Can crisis, as well as the pandemic, be a possible scenario for revolutions, revolts, uprisings or shifts?

We want the audience to be involved and have a conversation. We ask you to send along your questions to our email anarchistbookfairmalmo@riseup.net or through our Twitch channel; http://twitch.tv/malmoanarkistiska (you will need a login). We will try to discuss them during the event or at the end.

*At one of the bookfairs, we had the pleasure of having Cindy Milstein presenting their edited anthology Rebellious Mourning: The Collective Work of Grief, a compilation of stories about how mourning can open spaces of contestation and reconstruction, empathy and solidarity. And this past year, they released another edited anthology, Deciding For Ourselves: The Promise Of Direct Democracy, and next month, has another edited anthology coming out, There Is Nothing So Whole as a Broken Heart: Mending the World as Jewish Anarchists. All are published by AK Press. Cindy is a passionate Jew anarchist who, besides writing, co-organizes the Institute for Advanced Troublemaking.

*pattrice jones has published essays in numerous anthologies and also has authored two books, The Oxen at the Intersection and Aftershock: Confronting Trauma in a Violent World. pattrice is also one of the cofounders of VINE Sanctuary, an LGBTQ-run farmed animal sanctuary that works within an ecofeminist understanding of the intersection of oppressions.

*The Malmö Anarchist Bookfair aims to be a meeting place and a platform for spreading anarchist ideas and informing about ongoing struggles both in Sweden and internationally. Our main goal is to bring anarchism, antiauthoritarian ideas and literature to the city where we live, but also try to expand and exchange ideas, projects and experiences around the globe and to the swedish context.

Malmö anarkistiska bokmässa


<3 Peppigt. Men nu kanske jag låter som en tråkig gubbe, men om det finns möjlighet så ha texten gärna på svenska också.

Ska för övrigt bli kul att delta!




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