

Third year of the full-scale invasion: Overview of Solidarity Collectives' Work

Every Ukrainian has a story from 24 February – the first day of the full-scale invasion. Today marks the start of our volunteering, that exists for three years already. So today we’d like to show you what we did in 2024 and share our plans.

Yes, the situation in the third year of the war seems to be complicated. Trumpists decided to take advantage of the situation and push their plundering, and colonial agreements, joining forces with the russian army pressing on the frontline. And we continue to resist the far-right, colonialism, and imperialism in any possible form.

At the same time, we’re happy to see how many initiatives, organizations, and activists worked with us throughout these three years. We’re grateful to everyone who contributed to the fight against dictatorship and made our work possible.

Together we’ll prevail!

Solidarity Collectives


.Den svenska regeringen svälter de ukrainska flyktingarna i Sverige. Skänk en slant om ni kan finna en trovärdig organisation som fördelar pengarna till fattiga ukrainare i Sverige. En gåva är alltid helt kravlös om ni skänker pengar direkt till en person.

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