

The discrete charm of the Swedish social democracy and why antifascism is not enough - brochure by SödrⒶ Klubben

SödrⒶ Klubben publishes online the brochure The discrete charm of the Swedish social democracy and why antifascism is not enough. This is a collective project that we worked with for almost two years, depicting the Swedish political reality the last period through historical analysis and an anarchist perspective. In the brochure, we make the argument that antifascism as it is practiced right now remind us of a limited militant anti-nazism that lacks a holistic political approach and set of actions against the principal matrix of fascism in the country, and any country: the state and capital!

The brochure is currently being printed at the self-organized Tryckeri Espurna ( in Malmö both in English and Swedish (the Swedish version will also be published in shortly).

Our hope with this brochure is to spark the discussion within the autonomous/anarchist movement as well as with all other social actors that wish to join an autonomous and extra-parliamentary struggle against any kind of fascism and exploitation.

We are open to discussion and we would love to present our brochure in an event near you. You can reach SödrⒶKlubben at:

SödrⒶ Klubben



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  • TCA-podden: Avsnitt 2 by Take Concrete Action
  • TCA-podden: Avsnitt 1 by Take Concrete Action
  • Glad 1 maj!

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