

Sweden is a socialist trap

1st of May is an important day in Sweden. I wanna take a moment on this day to address the issue of a leftist movement based on a (strong, organized) working class.

Yes, strike rights, yep, fair wages and influence over your work place, yes to safe work spaces to all.

On this day, celebrating (cuz that’s basically all that we are doing AND 1st of May is even a pacifying “gift from the government”; a national holiday).

– What about non-workers rights?
As this pandemic has caused joblessness to many and often those most precarious in the system it becomes clear that work has become the one validation for the right to exist at all as a human being.

On 1st of May, remember those who cannot organize at work, those for whom 30 kronor an hour is still better than no kronor at all, who are not included in any statistics and those whos work is not considered work (for example sexworkers).Remember those who want to but aren’t allowed to work due to laws creating obstacles. Who have institutionalized racism and xenophobia blocking them from employment. Those whos professional education does not count in a work market based on eurocentric white supremacist hierarchies.

And lastly, all those who choose not to work, in every extent possible, who refuse to id’ themselves through a career or profession. To separate their being from the capitalist society, which want nothing more than see us working our lives away for scraps.
Remember us.


Sweden is a socialist trap

The political spaces that I come from we learned to organize in complete different ways.

I’ve learnt that the State is my enemy.

I’ve learnt that landlords are my enemy.

I’ve learnt that all bosses are assholes.

Coming here, I feel irritated every time people are upset and surprised, when the Mother State does not provide, when Police oppresses and when your landlords push you out, despite a friendly deal and good beginnings.

coming here, people are so caught up in their image and reputation, they can’t handle dissidents.

But WE ARE dissidents. We are supposed to be just that.

Every day I wanna kill a cop that’s too violent people say we don’t want violence and chaos but they don’t know the cop is inside of me I want to kill the cop inside and also inside of me is chaos -which is a good thing.
in Sweden i find myself organizing with socialists. Some people are upset about the fact that the communists are taking over. I understand them, communists have always sold us out.

But I don’t care what’s considered “correct” anymore in a “scene” where a man can’t stand me demanding respect.

I am a dissident.

In Sweden, all you wanna talk about is workers rights.Whattabout non-workers rights?

What about the rights for those, who’ve chosen not to work.
What about the rights for those, whose work isn’t considered work.
What about the right for those, who want to but aren’t allowed to work.
Our pride can never ever ever ever come out of our productivity.

Antifa Takeover



Super text! Even tho I am mainly not in Sweden anymore, I can definitely empathise with the will to not work. There is definitely some fetishisting of being abused by a boss to be a true "worker" (especially with communists, but also to some extent left anachists in Sweden) and I think it is really important to question some of the things that is taken for granted in the capitalist world we live in. Generating wealth is a fundamental problem (especially if you have a bank account, as it will be utilised unethical by banks as long as they hold it), so kudus to anyone that manage to be poor and happy. It is a crazy world where somehow the rights to eat and have shelter is something that needs to be earned.

I am now living in another country than I grew up in and can definitely see how we foreigners don't rely on the same security network as natives, which is important to take into account and has formed other bonds by friends that become a family that care for eachother in place of a working welfare system.

That there is now a platform for not just swedish speaking people in Malmö must mean a better possibility to reach out to non natives than when I was living in Sweden and hopefully also highlight issues that may not be seen by a mostly native Swedish group.

Sexwork is a touchy subject in Sweden, which has a much more hardline view than most of Europe. In a sense, most money generating work is a form of selling your body or soul, so exactly which abuse to include is a fine line to draw.

The less work, the better!

Good luck Takeover Network!


Super text! Even tho I am mainly not in Sweden anymore, I can definitely empathise with the will to not work. There is definitely some fetishisting of being abused by a boss to be a true "worker" (especially with communists, but also to some extent left anachists in Sweden) and I think it is really important to question some of the things that is taken for granted in the capitalist world we live in. Generating wealth is a fundamental problem (especially if you have a bank account, as it will be utilised unethical by banks as long as they hold it), so kudus to anyone that manage to be poor and happy. It is a crazy world where somehow the rights to eat and have shelter is something that needs to be earned.

I am now living in another country than I grew up in and can definitely see how we foreigners don't rely on the same security network as natives, which is important to take into account and has formed other bonds by friends that become a family that care for eachother in place of a working welfare system.

That there is now a platform for not just swedish speaking people in Malmö must mean a better possibility to reach out to non natives than when I was living in Sweden and hopefully also highlight issues that may not be seen by a mostly native Swedish group.

Sexwork is a touchy subject in Sweden, which has a much more hardline view than most of Europe. In a sense, most money generating work is a form of selling your body or soul, so exactly which abuse to include is a fine line to draw.

The less work, the better!

Good luck Takeover Network!


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