Stop saying “All Lives Matter”
Yes All Lives Matter. I’m not saying that they don’t. But that is already said. That is already understood. What is not understood right now is that Black Lives are part of “All Lives.” So when you say you don’t support Black Lives Matter and only support All Lives Matter, that’s bad too. White people dont need help right now. They don’t need justice. I don’t need justice. I know that the Black Community does. And that right now they need all the help they can get. They’ve been trying to stay alive for so long. We (The white race) keep pushing them out. They made their own neighborhoods. They were polite and said “sir” to the police officers. They built our country! They built the White House! And what did we do?? We killed an innocent man and that will not go unheard. Who cares if they burn down the target?! Building’s can be rebuilt but Lives cannot. I am ashamed at what my race has done. But that will not stop me from helping. Black Lives Matter more right now.
I will never understand what a black person is going through. How much fear they have every day just walking in the streets. Having to live with the fear of knowing that you could get shot. That’s….I literally can’t imagine it. It’s so horrible. I learned from my friend that when she was old enough her parents taught her what to do in front of a police officer or white person. They have to learn how to protect themselves? From us? That’s insane! I N S A N E.
“A riot is the language of the unheard.” -MLK
Let them riot. Let them speak out for what has to be heard.
(I am not signing off with my nickname because this is a serious matter.)
Ms. M.X
Länk: https://www.dcareaeducators4socialjustice.org/black-lives-matter/13-guiding-principles