
Stockholms Anarkistiska Bokmässan 2018

När: 2018-06-02 10:00
Var: Midsommargården, Telefonplan, Stockholm

The Stockholm Anarchist Bookfair returns to town on the first weekend of June, 2018!

A range of seminars, panel discussions, workshops, screenings,

exhibitions and more will take place at Midsommargården, Telefonplan

from 10 AM. There will even be an anarchist archive, and, of course,

book tables! More activities for participants will follow on the day

after !
Come and organize a workshop, facilitate a discussion, or

get a book table. We call out for the support and participation of

individuals and groups worldwide. Contact us at
Spread the news!

More Info:

Stockholm Anarchist Bookfair



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