

Solidarity campaign for the legal expenses of anarchist Andreas F.

Freedom to the anarchist Andreas F.
We have a whole world to win over, we have a lifetime to try

On 22/4/24, the anarchist comrade Andreas F. is kidnapped by the anti-terrorist police in Patras, where he resides, and taken to Athens for interrogation.

Simultaneously, an invasion by the police takes place at his home, in an attempt to gather incriminating evidence against him. His electronic devices and other personal items were confiscated. This constitutes the second home invasion that the comrade suffers within a short period, with the first one concerning a case of petty theft of items at Lidl supermarket.

Inn this second act of the Helenic Police terror scenario, Andreas is transferred to Athens, interrogated and prosecuted based on the infamous anti-terrorist law n(187A) as a member of the "συμπραξη εκδίκησης/revenge conspiracy" organization and as a physical perpetrator of its actions. Our comrade denies those accusations in their entirety.

The "pinnacle" of the supposed evidence that led to the prosecution of our comrade are two written admissions of responsibility from the n"revenge conspiracy" which were found copied onto his electronic media, but with creation/storage dates later than their online publication.

Amidst a paranoia of slander and misinformation, from local and nation-widen media, on 26/4/24 the comrade is put in pre-trial custody in the prison of Amfissa. At the same time, an police attack takes place at a solidarity rally for Andreas in the Parartima squat in Patras, where 25 comrades were arrested.

Targeting our comrade/Andrea is an attack on the entire movement.

"So many months later(of my captivity), there is no evidence against me. In am being prosecuted for my timeless presence in every aspect of the social and class struggle because I have chosen in this life to walk with my head held high, taken the stand in the most beautiful struggle, that for universal individual and collective liberation, for a world of solidarity, dignity, peace, equality, without exploitation and oppression, without wars and the desertification of life, for an emancipated and under no authority world."


As our comrade is facing a complex and heavy indictment, this campaign aims at supporting the financial demands of the legal struggle that lies ahead.

Spread the word and contribute!





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