
Röd Framtid: Studiecirkel i "Marxism och Uppror"

När: 2018-12-16 15:30
Var: Amalthea Bokkafé, Malmö


På sista träffen för i år ska vi läsa "Marxism och Uppror" av Lenin. Vi bjuder även på glögg och julfika. Här kommer även diskussionsfrågor som en kan han ha i åtanke under sin läsning av texten. Har ni frågor eller funderingar är det bara att skriva,

1) Vad är blanquism? Hur skiljer sig den marxistiska förståelsen av upproret från den "blanquistiska"? Finns det någon grupp idag eller historiskt du tycker kan tolkas som "blanquistiska"?

2) Vad innebär den "revolutionära demokratin med det revolutionära proletariatet i spetsen" i sammanhanget av Oktoberrevolutionen? Är det relevant idag?

3) Vad säger Lenin om "vacklande"? Finns det exempel på att ett vacklande i kommunist partiet lett till nederlag?

4) Vad innebär det att behandla upproret "som en konst"?

5) Hur ska marxister förhålla sig till spontana upplopp och uppror?


Kärlek / KOM

Kommunistisk Organisation Malmö


jag luktar positionering mot anarkister! ;


Ja, marxism är inte anarkism. Och?


Leninister, vi glömmer aldrig Krostandt...


Tycker bara att era frågor är ledande och sektiga. Och det blir ju extra lustigt när man betraktar det som händer i Frankrike. Men men, tråkiga sekterister gonna be tråkiga sekterister


Till @,

Vill bara notera att Vilgot inte är med i KOM och inte talar för oss. Vi ska försöka diskutera dina synpunkter internt.

/ E

Kommunistisk Organisation Malmö

Äh jag tar tillbaka det. Jag kan ha reagerat förhastat. Måste slut knee-jerka.





Chavez accepts Lenins view of party dictatorship, party Führerscaffen, the 'will of One':

"Now, the leadership, this is why I insist so much in the need for a party, because we have not had a revolutionary leadership up to the tasks of the moment we are living in, united, orientated as a result of a strategy, united, as Vladimir Illich Lenin said, a machinery able to articulate millions of wills into one single will, this is indispensable to carry out a revolution, otherwise it is lost, like the rivers that overflow, like the Yaracuy that when it reaches the Caribbean loses its riverbed and becomes a swamp."



V.I.Lenin supported party dictatorship:

"The irrefutable experience of history has shown that... the dictatorship of individual persons was very often the vehicle, the channel of the dictatorship of the revolutionary classes". "Large-scale machine industry - which is the material
productive source and foundation of socialism - calls for absolute and strict unity of will...

How can strict unity of will be ensured? By thousands subordinating their will to the will of one." "Unquestioning submission to a single will is absolutely necessary for the success of labour processes that are based on large-scale machine industry . . . Today the Revolution demands, in the interests of socialism, that the
masses unquestioningly obey the single will of the leaders of the labour process."
(V.I.Lenin, Selected Works, Vol. VII, pages 332-333, 340-342)

"To our program will we add the following: we must fight the ideological confusion of the elements of the opposition who are not aware and do not mind to reject all 'militarization of the economy' and not only reject 'the method of appointment',
which has been the dominating up to now, but all appointments. This means in fact a rejection of the leading role of the party in relation to the
masses who have no party." (V.I.Lenin, januari 21, 1921, Selected Works, Vol IX, page 57)

L.D.Trotsky supported party dictatorship:

"They have come out with dangerous slogans. They have made a fetish of democratic principles. They have placed the workers right to elect representatives above the party. As if the party was not entitled to assert its dictatorship even if that dictatorship temporarily clashed with the passing moods of the workers' democracy!" (Party Congress, 8-16 March 1921.)

"Is it true that compulsory labour is always unproductive? . . . This is the most wretched and miserable liberal prejudice: chattel slavery too was productive" . . . "Compulsory slave labour . . . was in its time a progressive phenomenon". "Labour . . . obligatory for the whole country, compulsory for every worker, is the basis of
socialism." "Wages . . . must not be viewed from the angle of securing the personal existence of the individual worker"... "measure the conscientiousness, and efficiency of the work of every labourer." (Third All-Russian Congress of Trade Unions, stenographic report, Moscow 1920, pages 87-97.)

"A competent, hierarchic organized civil administration had its advantages. Russia did not suffer from too big, but too small and ineffective bureaucracy." "The militarization of the unions and the transport system was in need of an inner ideological militarization." (Sochineniya, XV, s. 422-423)


Don't let the state-capitalist national 'Left' fool a new working class generation with their totalitarian anti-communism.

Karl Marx in the Manifesto of the Communist Party, 1848: The working class has no fatherland. Workers in all countries, unite!

Björn-Olav Kvidal,

Björn-Olav Kvidal

