Kamrater, visa er solidaritet och skriv ett par rader!
On November 5th, 2020 the Federal Public Prosecutor's Office carried out an operation against alleged anti-fascists in Leipzig. The LKA had brought an arrest warrant for one of them, with which they took a person into custody.
The accused are accused of having participated in several attacks on fascists or of having planned and prepared them. The whole thing is supplemented by the obligatory accusation of having founded a criminal organization according to § 129 StGB, the aim of which is to “carry out attacks against persons of the right-wing scene”.
On November 6th, the Federal Court of Justice confirmed the arrest warrant against Lina. In a press release , the Attorney General accused her of being in tactical command and of having assumed a “prominent position” within that association. The gossip press reinterprets her as the “leader”.
Lina will be brought to the prison in these minutes. There are many exhausting weeks ahead of her that will not only cost nerves but also a lot of money:
Donate for Lina to:
Rote Hilfe eV
account no .: 4007 238 317 Bank
code: 430 609 67 IBAN: DE55 4306 0967 4007 2383 17
Keyword: unverzagt
Postal address follows!
Kamrater, visa er solidaritet och skriv ett par rader!