
Queer organizing: Panel discussion

När: 2021-08-11 18:00
Var: ABF Malmö, Online


Queer Liberation - a few events around World Pride in Malmö - begins with a panel discussion with queer groups about their organizing.

What are the queer questions and struggles today? How can a queer organizing look like? How do we realize our queer visions? How does an effective anti-racist queer politics look like? How do we build coalitions with each other and others?

MODERATOR: Violeta Ligrayen

Violeta Ligrayen is an activist and works with social justice education and movement facilitation. She grew up in Uppsala but has lived in Barcelona and Copenhagen for the past 15 years. She was one of the first organisers of Queer of Color events in Copenhagen and has spent over a decade in grassroots movements across Europe, working at the intersections of feminism, queer activism and anti-racism. Her activism has always been informed by her revolutionary grandmother, her family’s stories of exile and her upbringing as a queer working class kid, with a strong immigrant community in Sweden.


Queers against fascism (Stockholm). QAF creates platforms for queer anti-fascists. Since 2016, we create a block in the pride parade, a place where we gather our anger and our struggles under the slogan QUEERS AGAINST FASCISM. Together we make the parade a day for action and protest! Facebook: @qafsthlm. Instagram: @queersagainstfascism.

Reclaim Pride Gbg (Gothenburg). Anti-capitalist movement - of queers, for queers. A place where large companies, political parties, authorities and law enforcement are not allowed to set the agenda. We create politics, panel discussions, music, art and struggle - without pinkwash. Facebook: @reclaimpridegbg. Instagram: @reclaimpride.

SQI Syd (Malmö). A non-partisan and non-religious local association for racialized LGBTQIA+ people (in other words queer people of color, QPOC). The association is a member organization of Refugees Welcome Sweden. Facebook: @SQISyd.

A link to the online meeting will come later on (in the Facebook-event).

The discussion will take place online and be in English. Watch the panel discussion where you are or together with others at ABF, Spånehusvägen 47 in Malmö. (Limited numbers of seats at ABF.)

After the panel discussion follows a workshop on site at ABF Malmö (Spånehusvägen 47), where we will continue the discussions together about what we want to organize ourselves around and how. (More information about the workshop here: https://fb.me/e/4soWltUN9)


Queer Liberation is an initiative taken out of the need to raise a queer left criticism of the capitalist and liberal frameworks surrounding both big Pride events and LGBTQ policies which have been dominating in the last decades. Queer Liberation is a temporary network and a few events during World Pride in Malmö 2021, but also a will for a long term and growing queer organizing in Malmö and everywhere. Read more about us on Facebook @queerliberation.

The panel discussion is organized in collaboration with ABF.

Queer Liberation



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