Aktivista Feminista is back at Smålands, this time at Feministcafé Ronja! The Aktivista Feminista collective will be talking about movilisation, resistance, and building spaces for minorities and POC. They'll also talk about how to start collectives and organisations to work towards an idea and fight against oppressive systems, and talk about current revolutions which have grown to inspiring proportions. To change things up a bit, they'll bring some examples of work done in different countries outside of Sweden to learn a bit more about them and maybe add them to your toolbox.
The Workshop will be about how to get inspiration to start your own collective of people and start building social movements.
Aktivista Feminista: Revolutionär underground kollektiv och nätverk för trans, icke-binära och kvinnor i Sverige som rasifieras. Kontakt: https://www.facebook.com/feministaaktivista/
Feministcafé Ronja is free and open for everyone. It is an empowering and safe space; this means, that sexist / racist / homophobic / transphobic / ableist / discriminatory views have no place with us! As usual, we will also have vegan fika.
We look forward to seeing you there!
Feministcafé Ronja, Aktivista Feminista, Smålands Nation