

Get Going Conference Preliminary Schedule

See the call for the conference here. Please note that there might be some small changes.

Do you want to organize something at the conference? Do you have a question? Email: getgoingconference [ at ]

Beyond these events we will have space for many other meetings, solidarity events and so on.

We will of course take precautions for corona and ask attendants to be mindful of social distancing.



18.30: Meet and greet at Bokcafét.

19-20 Hemlig dataavläsning. Svensk polis får konstant utökade repressiva förmågor, en utveckling som följer den auktoritära vågen i hela världen. I detta föredrag så går igenom den nya lagen om hemlig dataavläsning som nyligen introducerats.


12-13.30: Where Are We Now? Politics in the Pandemic - A broad, strategical overview of where we are, the issues facing our movements, drawing on experiences from all Nordic countries in a discussion focusing on the corona situation, reactive activist politics and the material conditions we are in. How do we organize? What potential and what problems can we find in the current situation with the pandemic?

12-13.30: Revolutionaries in the Climate Movement. From seemingly nowhere a massive wave of direct action-oriented climate activism has appeared in the last few years. Yet, many perspectives within these movements are dominated by liberal or reformist ideas. How do we view the climate and climate struggle? What strategies and tactics can we use in relation to the climate issue and the broader climate struggle? We bring together different perspectives from different Nordic countries and cities in order to develop our discussion.

13.45-15.00: Fighting Fascism Online. Antifascists are famous for street level confrontations with fascists and have racked up an impressive array of victories over street-level fascist groups throughout the decades. Yet, much fascist organising happens online where everything from fascist mass murderers like Breivik get pushed rightwards, radical right-wing parties gain support and insane right-wing YouTube conspiracies are spread. So how do we fight in this arena? What does antifascism online mean? Revolutionary Antifascists from Copenhagen have a direct experience of moving antifascism also to the online arena and will present their experiences and analysis.

13.45-15.00: Strike Back! A New, Free Workers Movement in the North. Capitalist s are always trying to squeeze out more profit from us. They're backed by powerful institutions, which more often than not that includes the leaders of labor unions. For a long time, the labor movement in the Nordic nations has been dominated by social democrats who happily sell out the rights of workers to the employing class but there are important initiatives that run counter to this. In this discussion we focus on struggles insides and outside labor unions, against capitalist austerity politics, we sketch out possible new strategies, important lessons from the Strike Back campaign and in particular discuss the new threat to the Swedish labor law, wider Nordic experiences and discuss practically how we can organize a new workers movement as wage workers against wage work, austerity and capitalism itself.

15.15-17.00: Copwatch/Svartskallebrigaden. Den senaste tidens #BLM protester har visat att rasistisk poliskontroll inte bara är något som sker i USA utan i högsta grad även i norden. I detta föredrag kommer två olika aktivistprojekt som arbetar mot poliskontroll och mot rasism att mötas. Vi träffar Copwatch som arbetar med att övervaka polisen och en aktivist som deltog i Svartskallebrigaden i början av 00-talet vilket en grupp för rasifierade autonoma aktivister vars manifest nyligen nypublicerats.

15.15-1700 How To Organize an Environmental Mass Action in a City - In this discussion we will bring together discussions on how we can mobilize in cities as part of a larger environmental movement to do mass direct action in order to save the earth as part of a wider anticapitalist project. Come participate with ideas, suggestions, concepts or just your idle curiousity. We will emphasize problems, possibilities and practical suggestions.


12-13.30: Kashmir Solidarity. The radical left is well versed in issues around Rojava/Kurdistan as well as international solidarity with movements in many other places but Kashmir remains a topic that few know much about. The region is occupied by both Pakistan and India and a long-running resistance against extreme brutality and occupation has existed since the inception of modern Kashmir. Come learn the basics of the situation and how we can do international solidarity in the Kashmir issue.

12-13.30: Att organisera online. I detta föredrag så kommer berätta mer om möjligheterna och begränsningarna med att organisera online, att driva ett projekt i en av de viktigaste arenorna för människor idag. I jämförelse med högern är vänstern fortfarande svag på internet, trots att den radikala vänstern var en av de första i världen att brett anamma ny teknologi redan i början av 90-talet.




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  • TCA-podden: Avsnitt 1 by Take Concrete Action
  • Glad 1 maj!

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