haha good night white pride! I actually met this individual back in France in 2014 and witnessed her transformation.
Today AFA Lund can reveal that a French Nazi and language student holds a position as a club official at the Blekingska student houseing in Lund.
In the autumn term of 2017 Clara Gutierrez moved to Lund to study Nordic languages. During her time in Lund she has maintained a low profile and was elected club official at the Blekinge nation.
To Clara’s great delight, after new year, she received a visit from her boyfriend, Quentin Gimmel. They enjoyed their time together and went on sight seeing in Lund – besides visiting the usual sights in Lund, they also decided to visit the socialist book cafe India Däck. Following this visit, it was discovered that Clara and Quentin are organized fascists at home in France. Clara and Quentin are organized in Bastion Social (BS), a group of French identitarians who are the successors of the Groupe Union Défense (GUD).
Claras boyfriend Quentin outside the self-organized bookcafé India Däck in Lund.
GUD was a French student organization formed in the 60’s. It was a militant movement that since its inception has committed many violent crimes against HBTQ people, people of color, immigrants and others it has perceived as enemies. After occupying a house at the end of May 2017, which they call “Bastion Social”, GUD dissolves in December 2017, and the members instead formed BS. The last leader of GUD Lyon, Steven Bissuel, joined BS at the start as BS first leader. BS was created when they realized that GUD was far too associated with violence and thus had no legitimacy to work with social issues. BS has tried to change its image, for example, by having a homeless soup kitchen only for “French”. If you want to read more about GUD and BS, we have collected a number of links at the bottom of our article to news articles about thier racist criminal activity.
Clara poses with a sticker from Groupe Union Défense.
Three GUD members are convicted of a racist motivated assault.If you feel our article affects you or want to avoid our future attention, just email us. Here is a good summary in swedish of how we relate to contact from defectors: Regarding the departure from the fascist movement. With this article, AFA Lund wants to inform the public about Clara Gutierrez’s Nazi commitment. Do you know Clara personally, or do you see her in your everyday life, at the nation or university? Do you have other information about fascist activity in Lund or other parts of Skåne? Do not hesitate to contact Us!Mail: afa-lund@riseup.net
Several people with ties to GUD are convicted of assault and battery and possensions of weapons.Two GUD members are convicted after showing up at Nancys Pride-parade with a homofobic banner.
After bragging on Facebook about a racist motivated attac against three people outside a nightclub in Lyon, five GUD members are arrested.
GUD squats at house in Strasbourg and calls it Bastion Social.
With this article, we also want to welcome Clara – a belated – welcome to Lund, and hope she has many exciting stories to take with her home to Quentin.
AFA Lund
Länk: https://antifa.se/2018/02/07/afa-lund-fransk-fascist-och-utbytesstudent-i-lund/
haha good night white pride! I actually met this individual back in France in 2014 and witnessed her transformation.
I meet this girl in France several years ago. She literally changes his mind as often as she changes his shirt. And now due to a total lack of personality she becomes a dumb-ass redneck fascist. These kinds of kinds must be aware of their history and that the loss of historical memory. C'mon... What kind of scumbag are you to be against the modern world/human right/homosexual union when you actually live in Sweden to learn about different culture? FUCK OFF
What's her story?