
Filmvisning: The Angry Brigade, The Spectacular Rise and Fall of Britain´s first urban guerrilla group

När: 2017-09-21 18:00
Var: Majkällaren, Malmö

Between 1970 and 1972 the Angry Brigade used guns and bombs in a series of symbolic attacks against property. A series of communiqués accompanied the actions, explaining the choice of targets and the Angry Brigade philosophy: autonomous organization and attacks on property alongside other forms of militant working class action. From the start the police were faced with the difficulty of getting to grips with a section of society they found totally alien. And were they facing an organization—or an idea?

Based on the book by the same author, interviews with police and members of armed groups tell the story of the rise and fall of Britain's first armed urban guerrilla group.

Documentary. English. 72min. 1973. Gordon Carr.

Anarkistiskt Bibliotek Lucia Saornil

Bibliotek Lucia Saornil

