

Fascist Provocations Against ARNA Conference

As some of you might have noticed some fascists are trying to put pressure on this weekends upcoming conference by trying to email people and groups they believe are attending it to make us feel unsafe.

Fascists in all their forms are our enemies. Our political vision stands in exact opposite to theirs, and we should therefore continue in our political work, because together we strive for a society radically different from the society they want to see. Fascists hate climate and environmental activism because it is completely incompatible with their sick ideology.

They try to get us not to act, they want us to remain passive, they want us to distrust each other. The best defense we have is to keep going and to do it together! Give them nothing, ignore them. And most importantly, let us turn this into a victory. The biggest fuck you to the Nazis is a huge conference so come by, attend and share it widely!

We will of course keep this in mind for the weekend and make sure that we maintain a good level of security in place! We are not worried though, Nazis today are so weak that all they can do is post a bit online so there is no physical threat present at all.

Should you have any questions or concerns about this, just contact us!

See you soon!



They are really really really good at... sending emails!

They are so welcome to the conference or anywhere else. We can show them how they can go from emails to... two meters under!


Det verkar som att avmaskerat och vänsterollen blev lite för rädda för att skicka någon till konferensen trots att de letade efter fotografer..

Lyssna noga kära internet warriors, var försiktiga med vad ni önskar och frågar efter för att vi lär ses snart. Och då kommer ingen snut eller kamera att hjälpa er.


Till terrorist: bra skrivet. Tyvärr verkar fegisarna stå på väldigt långa avstånd eller använda drönare.




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