

​ Call and first info on the System Change Camp 2023

The climate crisis is getting worse and worse: heat waves, droughts and floods are happening all over the world and international corporations are destroying local livelihoods through extractive business models such as fracking, coal and lithium mining. We have to do something about this!

System Change Camp 30.07.-06.08. System Change Now!

That’s why we want to come together as a climate justice movement at the camp, continue the ideas and networking of last year’s camp in Hamburg and tie in with current discussions in the movement. There will be space for networking, content-related further education and skillshares, strategic discussions and cultural programming.

Read our full call for the System Change Camp here.

We invite all groups and individuals from the climate justice movement and beyond:

Come along, socialise and enrich the camp with your content! We explicitly want to invite all people whose voices have been heard far too quietly or not at all in the political discourse to get involved in shaping the content of the camp. If you are interested in organising a workshop, information stand, exhibition, concert or any other format as an individual or with your group, or if you would like to support us in organising the events, you can find our Call for Content here.

First information about the camp

We have compiled the first information about the organisation of the camp and will continue to add to it in the overview.

System Change. Now!


Ende Gelände


