

Bus trip from Denmark to Germany CANCELLED

Kære kammerater!

Vi er utroligt kede af at måtte meddele jer at busturen til Leipzig desværre må aflyses. Vi har desværre ikke været nok tilmeldte til at kunne fylde bussen meningsfuldt. Til alle jer der har tilmeldt jer, delt opslag og på anden vis hjulpet os skal der lyde en dybtfølt tak.

Vi opfordrer stadig alle der har lyst og mulighed til at tage til Leipzig. Vores solidaritet forbliver praktisk og international.

hvis i selv finder vej derned via flixbus eller på anden fantasifuld vis så tøv ikke med at kontakte os for så vil vi gøre vores bedste for at skaffe jer de rigtige kontakter omkring demoen, sovepladser osv.



Dear comrades!

We are incredibly sad to inform you that the bus trip to Leipzig unfortunately has to be cancelled. Unfortunately, we have not had enough people registered to be able to fill the bus meaningfully. To all of you who have registered, shared posts and helped us in other ways, a heartfelt thanks must be heard.

We still encourage everyone who wants and has the opportunity to go to Leipzig. Our solidarity remains practical and international.

if you find your way down there yourself via flixbus or in some other imaginative way, don't hesitate to contact us, we will do our best to get you the right contacts regarding the demo, places to sleep etc.


mr mo



Senaste Media

  • TCA-podden: Avsnitt 2 by Take Concrete Action
  • TCA-podden: Avsnitt 1 by Take Concrete Action
  • Glad 1 maj!

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