Lecture and workshop:
Before the pandemic hit the planet, climate and environmental issues were on top of the agenda with constantly reporting on forest fires, flooding, mass extinction, and total destrucion of the planet which we inhabit. With massive demonstrations and organizing all over the world, the climate movement had momentum and started to reach a point were resistance but also agenda setting for a survivable future was possible.
During the pandemic, with fewer people on the streets, the state, buisness and industries have clearly shown that what they previously promised to change was nothing more than empty words. The climate crisis has not been paused, rather worsened, and we need to stop the madness now, no one will do it for us.
In this lecture and workshop we will talk about the radical climate movement, intersections with relating struggles and some possible futures. Then we will in workshop form together with you discuss and learn together.
No previous experience is needed! Come as you are and bring a comrade!
See you at thursday at Smålands!
Autonom organisering