
Bokkafé Angbetts föreläsningsserie om Poliskontroll & Övervakning: Bonusföreläsning

När: 2022-06-07 17:15
Var: Kulturhuset Klossen, Umeå

William C Anderson is an author and activist based in Atlanta, Georgia. Most recently he has written the book “The nation on no map” that faces topics such as state power, police and abolition. And rejects ideas of nation building, reformism and capitalism from a black anarchist perspective.

Topics as grassroot organising and community building are also emphasized in his analysis of needed struggle against the current oppressive world order.

Take this rare opportunity and learn from the perspective of an american anarchist with other experiences of struggling against police and state – striving for abolition and a world of justice. These topics are ever so important for all of us!

We start serving food for free from 17.15. Lecture starts at 18.00.


Bokkafé Angbett



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