
Beyond The End Of The World - Climate Struggle And Anti-Capitalist Steps Forward

När: 2022-10-28 17:00
Var: TBA, Malmö

During the summer we have seen a resurgence of the climate movement - we've been on the streets, in the mines, in the forest and in the city. We have been in demonstrations, discussions and actions. We've fought for both the small-scale and for the big picture. Now, we must ask ourselves, where to next? Which ways of organizing are the most effective? What sort of actions should we organize and how?

How do we follow up on events like Take Concrete Action and create a Nordic Ende Gelände? How do we bring the radical left and the climate movement together? How do we intervene in the spheres of production and circulation most effectively? We hope you will think of these questions and come with suggestions and ideas to the conference.

For us all it has become all the more evident that the climate struggle must be anticapitalist. Our enemies, fossil capitalists protected by the state, has done everything to stop the transition to a sustainable society. Now we have momentum and we need to take the struggle further. In so doing, we are confronted with important questions for this conference: How do we develop a radical analysis of climate and capitalism? How do we overcome the conflict between potential job losses for workers and local communities as we shut down environmentally damaging workplaces? How do we avoid technopessimistic dystopic views and forge a vision for the future? What feminist, antiracist, anticapitalist and antifascist theories, practices and concepts do we engage with and need to develop?

Therefore we invite you to a climate conference to gather and evaluate previous actions, but above all to make plans for the future and for a world beyond the end of the world. As anticapitalists and climate activists we have everything to win!

venue: TBA

email us if you or your group want to present, give a talk, hold an info meeting or have any other good ideas!

Mail: beyondtheendconference@riseup.net

The Autonomous Revolutionary Nordic Alliance



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