

The Fight for Køpi Wagenplatz Continues!

On 10th of June 2021 Køpi Wagenplatz eviction court case took place at Moabit Criminal Court. As a result, Køpi Wagenplatz received an eviction order, despite serious doubts about whether the lawyers were acting on behalf of the owner. Since the signature in the power of attorney presented by the lawyers bears no resemblance to the plaintiff's previously signed documents.
The existing doubts about its authenticity justify the initiated appeal proceedings. Regardless, the residents of Køpi Wagenplatz are acutely threatened with the loss of their living space.

The owner of Sanus AG, Siegfried Nehls, who conceals his ownership in numerous letterbox companies, is no stranger to the courts. Proceedings concerning fraud and non-payment of workers have ended up in court several times over the years and have been published in the media. This strategy continues to damage those affected and society in general amounting to millions of euros, it is the same for Startetzia GmbH with its dubious managing director, Yervand Chukhajyan. Nobody knows this person. He has not appeared in court. It is probably one of Siegfried Nehl’s numerous straw men, who is probably not even aware of the court proceedings.

The lawyers who appeared as his representatives are as disreputable as the plaintiff. Dr. Bertrand Malmendier and Christoph Brzezinski from the firm "Malmendier Legal". Their discomfort was clearly visible when they had to admit that they had no knowledge about their client Yervand Chukhajyan. They were also unable to produce a signed document for their power of attorney and did not answer the question as to how they had come into contact with Yervand Chukhajyan, whom they represented.
It is particularly poignant that Christoph Brzezinski attracted attention a few years ago during his time as state chairman of Berlin CDU youth organization, by spreading right-wing slogans and even showing swastika symbols, however it did not harm his party-political career. *newspaper article

How can it be that with such an obvious falsification the proceedings were continued by the judge Claudia Wolter, despite objections by Køpi’s lawyer?
This devalues any trust in the judicial system.

It shows again that alleged property rights of criminally operated postbox companies for profit are valued higher than the interests of the people who inhabit, animate and love the places for 20 years.
But despite the presumed fraud, Køpi Wagenplatz is now facing eviction. We will not accept this verdict and Køpi will therefore appeal against this decision. Nevertheless, the self-proclaimed owner Nehls has meanwhile paid the deposit and will try to evict the square before the second court date. Now where did this money come from? That should be examined by the courts and police, It only took the judge Claudia Wolter 15 minutes of deliberation to decide against the fate of more than 50 people. At the same time, the court called in an additional police unit, which only a second after the announcement of the verdict brutally proceeded against the residents and their supporters. At the very moment when the people learned that their homes of 20 years will be lost to a criminal real estate company, the court found it right to physically attack them!

Thus, it is to be feared that the series of evictions of left-wing projects will continue. Even widely known youth clubs like the Potse are not safe from forced closure. Last year alone, several collectives and hundreds of private tenants had to leave their houses and flats. Berlin's Interior Senator Andreas Geisel has made an infamous name for himself by assuring wealthy landlords* that there will be an enormous police presence every time there is an eviction, of leftist free spaces, but also of people in precarious situations. How can this be reconciled with the values of his party, which claims to stand up for workers' rights and affordable rents?

Many of these evictions took place at the time of the COVID-19 outbreak. During this global pandemic, which resulted in countless people losing their jobs, turbo gentrification never stopped. The construction sites never slowed down and the sale of the city to the rich never stopped, while political protest was curtailed and repression increased. This state failure is reflected in the further increase of rents to unaffordable levels for normal earners.

Thus, numerous tenants continue to lose their homes. And countless smaller tradespeople are being displaced and their livelihoods destroyed because they can no longer afford the exorbitant rent demands for the space they have occupied for years. As a result, the city's important infrastructure is crumbling away.

Køpi is fighting against this situation and is now completely surrounded by the new buildings being constructed. Since 2011, the speculative price for an undeveloped area around the Køpi car park has increased tenfold.

Køpi refuses to lose part of our collective to right-wing supporters and criminals like Nehls and to a so-called managing director who has not even signed the documents required in court, Yervand Chukhajyan!

Køpi is acutely threatened with losing the wagon space and calls on all supporters and friends to stand in solidarity for their and our rights! Get active and creative! Protest against the sellout of the city and the eviction of uncommercial free spaces!

The list below details the names and addresses of the people our protest is directed at, who have made high profits with their criminal business practices. Write to them and tell them what you think of their activities. Only when they realize that their machinations are public and no longer accepted, will these "business models" be stopped. Remember that everyone is affected and must fight back together to succeed. Inform your neighborhoods, friends and acquaintances about these "businessmen" who pretend to be serious.

United we fight for the Køpi Wagenplatz, Rigaer94, Potse, Wagenplatz, Mollie and for all spaces and collectives threatened with eviction!
Don't wait until it's too late!


Text in deutsch | English version | Adressen der "Besitzer"

Siegfried Nehls
Geboren am 30.11.1963
Meldeadresse: Karlsruher Straße 2a / 10707 Berlin, wohnt aber nicht dort
Gesehen bei : 14165 Grunewald (Berlin)
Krimineller, der glaubt, ihm gehöre Køpi, Vorstand der Sanus AG,+Siegfried+Herbert,+Berlin/1305

Yervand Chukhajyan
Geboren am 09.11.1971 in Leninakan, Shirak, Armenien
Lebt in Berlin
Spitzname: Doktor
"Geschäftsführer" der Startetzia GmbH,+Yervand/_p25010318
Arbeitete im medizinischen Zentrum von Gyumri. Studium an der Russischen Medizinischen Akademie für Post-Graduate-Ausbildung in Moskau
Studium der Chirurgie an der Staatlichen Medizinischen Universität Eriwan.

Malmendier Legal,+Bertrand,+Potsdam/fni

Vertretene Anwälte gegen Køpi Wagenplatz :
Dr. Bertrand Malmandie
Christoph Brzezinski
"Ein Hakenkreuz-Abzeichen und rechte Parolen aus dem Jahr 2005 holen drei Berliner CDU-Politiker ein. Die von der Bild-Zeitung veröffentlichten Amateuraufnahmen von einer Reise der Studenten-Union nach Riga zeigen eine Gruppe junger Männer, die in fröhlicher Runde zusammensitzen. Unter ihnen sind Lukas Krieger (28), der Bundestagsabgeordnete Danny Freymark (33) und der Landesvorsitzende der Jungen Union Christoph Brzezinski (29). Das Video selbst ist so obskur wie irritierend: Zu Beginn der Aufnahmen aus dem Jahr 2005 suggeriert ein Mann aus dem Off noch, dass es besser wäre, die Kamera abzuschalten. Doch Freymark widerspricht: "Nein... ich denke, das ist richtig aus dem Leben des Berliner Studentenwerks." Dann wird plötzlich eine Hakenkreuzplakette vor die Linse gehalten und ein amüsiertes Raunen geht durch den Raum. "Das Abzeichen von Christoph Brzezinski... für besondere Verdienste", ist aus dem Off zu hören. "Die Ehrennadel der Studentenverbindung. Die HJ." Lautes Gelächter.

Kurfürstendamm 213 / 10719 Berlin
Telefon: +49 30 59 00 30 4-0

Startezia GmbH
Kaiser-Wilhelm-Ring, 50672 Köln (nur ein Briefkasten),+K%C3%B6ln/HRB+84094

SANUS AG,+Berlin/Amtsgericht+Charlottenburg+%28Berlin%29+HRB+67451+B





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