
Radikalt stormöte / Radical assembly

När: 2018-05-27 17:00
Var: Smålands Nation, Lund

Radikalt stormöte för alla som är aktiva med eller intresserade av

vänsterorganisering. Vi börjar med att presentera oss och går sedan

vidare till att diskutera alla frågor för oss i Lund och Skåne. Fika

kommer finnas!
Radical assembly for all of those who are involved or interested in leftist activism. At the start of the meeting

everyone will be able to present themselves and then we will go on to

discuss topics which are interesting and relevant for us in Lund and

Skåne. There will also be coffee and cookies, so make sure to come!

This event is a part of Smålands Cultural Political Week.
Here you can see all the other things which happens during 16-27th May!

Radikal stormöte/radical assembly

