

Statement from Fauda (anarchist group in Palestine)

An important and decisive war has begun in Occupied Palestine. We spent the eighteenth day of the "Al-Aqsa Storm" operation while more than 4,900 Palestinians have been martyred in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip and more than 15,000 people injured. Since the beginning of this war, the Fauda movement has used all its field and media resources to confront the fascist Zionists. Our young people in the West Bank, every day and night, are struggling and fighting the Israeli army and the security forces of the treacherous Palestinian Authority (PA) complementing the Zionist project in the West Bank.

We declare to every Zionist who has been occupying our land that we will resist until the last moment of our lives. And even if this war ends, we will be like active bombs which move in your settlements and rob you of your normal daily life. You will never be at peace in our land. We will not leave you alone as long as you occupy our land. Get out of it and get on with your lives. We request all free people in the world to burn the Israeli flag and march towards Israeli embassies in all countries. Do your duty and be the voice of the Palestinians and the voice of all the innocent children and women who are being killed under the barbaric and brutal bombing of the Zionists. We tell all our enemies in the Zionist apartheid regime that we have a lot of surprises for you. And know that we will be on the lookout for you from the north to the south of Palestine, whether inside the occupied territory in the West Bank or even in the Gaza Strip.

We are anarchists. We are legends. We don't forget. We don't forgive. Expect us.



