

So what is the G20 anyway? And what are the protests against it?

The 20 most advanced economies in the world have formed the Group of 20 in order to discuss policies of "financial stability" in annual summits. These summits consists of the world elite, the representatives of austerity, war, inequality and climate disaster; the heads of states, finance ministers and central bank governors from the EU and 19 states, and also specially invited individuals and groups such as the IMF and the World Bank as well as groups like the Association of Southeast Asian Nations led by Duterte of the Phillipines. The G20 is totally self-appointed and lacks any democratic control mechanisms, and the summits are today the premier meeting point for the G20 to discuss and further their neoliberal policies and capitalist interests.

This years G20 summit is held in the left-wing area Schanzen in the huge conference hall of Hamburg. There are a wide array of protests planned from all spectra of social movements, ecologists, feminists, NGO:s, diverse currents of the radical left, the parliamentary left and the greens, asylum activists, Christians and many, many others. There are many different spaces and possibilities for different forms of actions.

Autonomous Revolutionary Nordic Alliance

