

Fight and resist the G20 summit in Hamburg!

To the streets! Fight Imperialism and its lackeys!

Fight and resist the G20 summit in Hamburg!

The G20 summit in Hamburg, which is going to be hold this July, will meet massive resistance. Protesters from the whole Federal Republic will express their anger and rejection regarding this meeting of the worst murderer and robber gang of the world in diverse forms together with people from all over Europe and other parts of the world – and this is very good. We will take part in this struggle in order to send a clear signal to the working class in Germany as well as to the oppressed and exploited all over the world together with other revolutionary and consequently anti-imperialist forces. Even here the imperialists and their lackeys will be fought. We won’t let them in peace and their dream of a peaceful backup area will turn into ashes!

In this sense we mobilize on the following basis:

No peace with Imperialism!

Today’s imperialism, what is it? The imperialism is not a monolithic block and it cannot be divided into different blocks either. The imperialism, as a stage of capitalism, is a system on a world level. But the imperialist forces, the political powers, exist in a state of conspiracy and discordance. They fight each other in order to reign the world, to conquer markets, resources and influential zones etc. As bandits they fight for the loot. But at the same time together they fight the people of the world as well as the international proletariat and any force, that questions their rule as a whole. Today the strongest of the imperialist powers is the USA. The Yankee imperialism is counter-revolution’s world policeman and therefore the main enemy of the world’s peoples. The only power that can at all challenge Yankee imperialism militarily is the Russian imperialism. This is also illustrated by the current developments in Ukraine and Syria. The nuclear heritage of Russia is what allows this. Especially the USA are able to command and dominate the other imperialist powers.

It is very important not to get caught in the ‚Everyone against Trump‘ trap, using the ‚formation of a democratic front‘ as an excuse. Trump represents a fraction of the ruling class in the USA, that wants to split the EU. Therefore above all they feel the necessity to weaken the Federal Republic of Germany (FRG) politically, economically and militarily. The rulers of the FRG on the other hand dream of rising to higher realms and becoming a new hegemonic power and this way become able to struggle for world dominance – for the third time. This is the essence of the contradiction between the USA and FRG. It’s not a battle between the ‚Fascist Trump‘ and the ‚Democrat Merkel‘, as the state scattered propaganda trombones declare. Trump represents the only hegemonic world power and as such the main enemy of the people. In the FRG Merkel represents the imperialist bourgeoisie and therefore the main enemy of the working class and the oppressed in this country. Under no circumstances the protests against the G20 summit may be reduced to protests against the ‚evil‘ foreign imperialists or reactionary fascistoids as Erdogan. Instead they must be directed clearly against the FRG imperialism.

The imperialist system is the reason for wars, hungers, poverty and misery. In its lust for profit and power. It even destroys the environment on such a massive scale that the physical preconditions for human life are threatened in many parts of the world. Imperialism is the death enemy of progress and the needs of the absolute majority of the world population. There cannot be peace with imperialism. It must be destroyed through the Proletarian World Revolution.

Against exploitation and oppression!

No matter which differences between the representatives of the participants at the G20 summit exist, they are all political representatives of imperialist and reactionary states. It doesn’t matter how they try to mask themselves. They are no friends in the struggle for the elimination of exploitation and oppression. Quite the reverse! They are directly responsible for its perpetuation. They are enemies of the international proletariat and the world’s people.

Exploitation increases everywhere in the world: Also here in the FRG the exploitation of the proletariat grows. More and more people live in poverty although they sell their force of labor each and everyday. When it comes to the EU the development in states as Greece and Croatia, just to mention two examples, shows that the ‚European Union‘ means poverty and hunger and that this imperialist alliance under the leadership of the FRG is a project of the exploiters. In Eastern Europe and on the Balkan the living conditions of the working class and the rest of the people are so precarious it becomes a problem for the reactionary governments to hold the masses down. In the oppressed countries of Asia, Africa and Latin America all illusions about the ‚advantages‘ of the so called ‚globalization‘ are long withered away and once again the reformist dream of ‚progress‘ through opportunist governments has burst. Poverty and misery forces the masses to enter sharpening confrontations with the imperialist’s lackeys.

At the same time the imperialists rely on growing oppression, imperialist aggressive wars against any form of resistance, massive militarization of their own states, massive surveillance of their own populations and the enforced development of fascist movements. Everywhere on the world people fight the ruling ‚order‘ heroically. The problem is that in most countries a force is missing, that is able to organize this struggle and direct it into a truly revolutionary direction.

Working men of all countries and oppressed peoples, unite!

We want to stand side by side with everyone, who fights against the crimes of the G20 and resists, no matter in which way they want to act. We firmly denounce any form of division – playing off good against bad protesters. We also renounce any corporation with forces, that denounce other protesters or use the bourgeois media as a platform for attacks against revolutionaries. Our enemies are the imperialists and their lackeys.

In the middle of the diverse forms of resistance we will fight in order to send a clear internationalist and revolutionary message to those, fighting imperialism all over the world: We stand at your side, your struggle is our struggle! We send this message among others to the poor peasants in Brazil, who give their lives to unfold a great revolution; we send this message to all, who fight the imperialist aggression in Kurdistan, Syria and Iraq; we send it to the comrades giving their lives in the people’s wars in Peru, Turkey, India and on the Philippines in order to lead the revolution to its end; we send this message to everyone, who holds up the banner of resistance against genocide and the draconian repression of the Erdogan regime in Turkey; we send this message to those who hold up the flag of rebellion in the dungeons of counter-revolutionary everywhere in the world, we send this message to the communists and revolutionaries, who despite all differences fight together in the imperialist countries to destroy the imperialist beast.

We will unfold our activities together with all who stand up consequently against the summit. We invite everyone, who wants to do this together, to unite our forces.

Down with imperialism and its lackeys!
Rebellion is justified!
Long live the Proletarian Internationalism!
Long live communism!

Internationalistisches Kollektiv Berlin
Kollektiv Rotes Hamburg
Kommunistischer Aufbau
Revolutionärer Aufbau Bremen
Revolutionärer Aufbau Waterkant
Netzwerk Freiheit für alle politischen Gefangenen – Magdeburg
Revolutionäre Jugend, Dev-Genç Hamburg
Antiimperialistische Gruppe Wien
Internationalistisches Solidaritätskollektiv Oberösterreich
Rotes Kollektiv Westösterreich
Rote Aktion Köln
Rote Aktion Berlin
West Antifa Connection
ADHK – Konföderation für demokratische Rechte in Europa
Red Liberation Cottbus
YDG – Neue Demokratische Jugend
Revolutionärer Jugendbund

Felix J


